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Winter is coming.

Winter is coming.

  Inevitably, the short respite that is autumn quickly becomes the blustery winds and frosty winter mornings that wipe the slate clean in preparation for the new year.  All those brilliant warm colors are gone, and we are left wondering what happened to the…

Grass-Fed/Grass-Finished Goats

Grass-Fed/Grass-Finished Goats

These little Kiko dwarf cross goats are one of the hardest working groups on the farm.  They move from pasture to pasture gobbling up all of the “weeds” or plants that most of our other species won’t eat.  As we work to tame this…

Cage-Free Pastured Chicken Eggs

Cage-Free Pastured Chicken Eggs

The gorgeous eggs produced each day by our heritage breed laying flock are no “egg-ception” to our commitment to healthy, chemical-free, and delicious products or to regenerating this land.  Our flock is free-ranging and rotated around the property onto new, chemical-free pasture every week…

Pasture-Raised Chicken

Pasture-Raised Chicken

Our chicken is raised without the use of any hormones, antibiotics, medications, or other chemicals from day one.  We feed our Cornish hybrid broiler chickens a diet of locally produced, organic, soy-free, non-GMO, non-medicated feed in addition to all of the wild, chemical-free salad…

Grass-Fed/Grass-Finished Beef

Grass-Fed/Grass-Finished Beef

Our beef steers are busy growing up, spending their days grazing and resting on the emergent pastures. They are turning the pasture grasses, forbs and legumes into nutrient dense protein and tasty fat. We expect they will be ready around the fall of 2022.…