Grass-Fed/Grass-Finished Beef

Our beef steers are busy growing up, spending their days grazing and resting on the emergent pastures. They are turning the pasture grasses, forbs and legumes into nutrient dense protein and tasty fat. We expect they will be ready around the fall of 2022.

We will be selling them as halves and wholes on a first come first served basis and will be sent to our custom processor. The customer will be able to dictate how the meat will be cut and packaged. The customer will pick up directly from the processor, when they are ready.

Any beeves that are not pre-purchased by the time they are ready will be sold as retail cuts. We do not expect excess due to the limited quantity, so we recommend reserving a half or whole now.

If purchasing a half or a whole is something you are interested in, let us know by submitting the form below.